Two-dimensional and three-dimensional parametric forms generated to discover qualities involving tension, fragility, and the interaction between thin and thick masses
wall application
triangle based shapes generated from circular and polygonal cut-outs and shifted edge points
square base shapes generated from circular and polygonal cut-outs and shifted edge points
2D grid with triangle base generated from parameters, rotations, and variations in the scaling and frequency of hexagonal and pentagonal cut-outs
2D grid with square base generated from parameters, rotations, and variations in the scaling and frequency of circular and polygonal cut-outs
3D forms generated from lofting two or three 2D parametric forms
3D forms generated from polygonal cut-outs made within triangular or square parameters
Top and bottom views of 3D grids consisting of two lofted triangle-based cutout forms (first row) and two lofted square-based cutout forms (second row)